“If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.” John Dewey (philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer)
We flourish in Computing because:
We believe computing is an integral part of our everyday life and will play an immeasurable part in our children’s futures. We aim to provide all of our children with the skills to remain safe, be creative and enthusiastic life-long learners who can live and flourish in a world increasingly dependent on computing.
‘Computational thinking is a skill ALL children must master if they are to be ready for the workplace and able to participate effectively in this digital world.
Our computing curriculum is split up into four sections: Digital literacy, Technology in the world, Technical understanding and online safety.
Digital literacy
Digital literacy forms the backbone of the computing curriculum at Ropsley. As they progress from our Early Years Classroom through KS1 and KS2 children will become increasingly confident in the application of their digital skills, becoming increasingly efficient and effective communicators, collaborators and analysts, showing imagination and creativity in their use of ICT in different aspects of their learning and life beyond school.
Technology in the world
Children should develop an understanding of how technology makes a difference in all aspects of life- at home, at school and in the workplace, as well as considering the impact technology has had on society over the years and the changes it has brought.
Children will, for example, develop an awareness of how different technology is used in the world around us (KS1) and begin to evaluate web pages, software and applications and use this evaluation in the planning of their own digital resources.
Technical understanding
Children develop the knowledge and understanding of how technology works. This extends from an awareness that there is ‘something inside’ a piece of technology to make it work. Progressing through KS1 and KS2 to children creating their own simple programs including games and applications with exposure to computer codes and scripts. They also learn about computer networks and the World Wide Web.
Online Safety
Online safety is a fundamental element of computing teaching and technology. Online Safety sessions take place throughout the computing curriculum as well as in PSHE lessons. We also take part in yearly events such as Internet Safety week. In Year 5/6 our local Stay Safe Partnership deliver an online Safety Workshop for pupils too.
At Ropsley, children take part in a computing lesson once a week, whilst also using their computing skills to support other subjects such as English and Topic. We use the published scheme 'Kapow Primary'. In this scheme children will learn how computers and computer systems work; they will design and build programs, develop their ideas using technology and create a range of content.
After the implementation of the high-quality computing curriculum, we offer at Ropsley, we hope that our children will be digitally literate and know how to communicate safely. They will be equipped, not only with the skills and knowledge to use technology effectively and for their own benefit, but will have developed a life-long love of technology.