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Design and Technology

"In everything you do, take the best that exists and make it better. When it does not exist, design it. Accept nothing nearly right or good enough" Henry Royce

We flourish in Design Technology because:

Here at Ropsley Primary School we encourage ALL children to become independent, innovative and creative problem-solvers and thinkers. We would like children to flourish, equipping them with the skills to critique, evaluate and test out their ideas and products in a safe and caring context where all ideas are valued.  As designers, children will strive to develop their skills that they can later use beyond school and into the wider community, creating a life-long love of learning. Pupils at Ropsley will be taught nutrition and how this is an important part of helping us to stay healthy. They will also have an awareness of food which is grown in our local community as well as how food that they use is produced globally.


D.T. lessons are taught using the skills progression map and includes the following elements: Investigating existing products, deconstruction/honing of skills required, designing, making, evaluating.

All lessons build on prior learning and teachers support ALL children to learn and remember more through:

  • Use of the progression map to ensure that pupils have access to lessons which have a clear structure which builds on skills taught in the previous year.
  • Use of knowledge organisers which outline sticky learning, including vocabulary, all children must master.
  • Support for children with SEND through writing frames and key vocabulary provided. An adult will scribe for the child, if necessary.
  • Time given in each new topic for investigating existing products.
  • Open-ended design briefs to ensure that pupils have the opportunity to be innovative.
  • Opportunities to apply basic skills taught in other subjects, i.e. measuring, labelling so children can embed the skills they have learnt in a purposeful context.
  • DT workbooks designed for each topic and year group to ensure there is a clear progression and coverage.
  • Specialist vocabulary for topics taught and built up.
  • For all children to have the opportunity to refine their cooking skills either in lessons or as an after school club.
  • Opportunities to develop previously learnt skills are provided during play activities in EYFS and Key Stage 1 with provision in the DT area set up for this. 


Children are innovative and creative designers who take pride in their work and the finished product. They make critical evaluations of their own and each other’s work.

We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:

  • Pupil discussions about their learning.
  • Looking at children’s work in their books.
  • Moderating children’s work with schools in the Grace Trust.