How is that music can, without words, evoke our laughter, our fears and our highest aspirations? Jane Swan
Our Curriculum Intent for Music at Ropsley.
"In God's image, we strive and shine; with happy hearts and inspiring minds."
We flourish as musicians because:
Our Music curriculum is designed to develop a lifelong enjoyment of music. We do this by helping ALL children to develop their own creative expression and individual talents whilst appreciating these skills in others. We incorporate a variety of musical opportunities including visiting musicians and trips to the theatre and live music. Our curriculum offers pupils the opportunity to study a diverse range of global musical genres, musicians and composers before expressing their own ideas through performances using both their voices and instruments. We celebrate ALL children’s success as musicians both in school and also within our extra curricula provision.
At Ropsley School our Music Curriculum is based around the Kapow scheme for teaching music. This has four key areas: Performing, Listening, Composing and History of Music; alongside the key interrelated dimensions of music: Pitch, Duration, Dynamics, Tempo, Timbre, Texture and Structure.
We have combined this scheme with a Composer of the Term approach which introduces all children in school to a wide range of composers taking account of era, gender, race, culture and genre.