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Times Tables

It is vitally important that children learn their times table facts up to 12x12. Without the basic understanding of times table facts and the ability to recall these quickly, children face a huge challenge to understand the depth of operations being taught in the KS2 curriculum.

It is a strong determiner of future success in mathematics. Those children that can recall their multiplication and division facts will have a stronger grasp of more complex mathematical concepts. Memorising times table facts will help children have a quicker recall and develop mathematical fluency. Children can then move away from relying on their fingers or other manipulatives to assist them.

Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS):

Every child has access to TTRS. Using this, children can practise their times table recall in a fun and engaging way, competing with others and their own best score.

When the children first login they will be able to choose a rock star name, please be advised that this name cannot be changed so your child needs to be sure of it before continuing. The children can then earn coins for each correct answer and spend these in the shop on different haircuts, outfits, instruments etc.

We know TT Rock Stars is lots of fun and you may wish to practise alongside your child but it might artificially inflate their level and they will miss out on the practice they need so please could we ask you to be ‘great groupies’ and simply cheer them on instead.

If you have any problems accessing TTRS, please speak to your child’s class teacher.

Year 4 statutory times table check:

All Year 4 children will complete a 25-question times table check in a three-week period in June. The statutory test will be completed online, so it is understandably important that children have practise of typing in their answers. The ‘Soundcheck’ mode on Times Table Rock Stars has been designed to mirror this test and can be used as practice in preparation for the timed test.


This video gives you information about the check, although please note that the tables check is now statutory.

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